
Friday, March 9, 2012

Great Fabric Score And A New Pattern

I've been in a sewing mode lately and have been trying to make clothing for my 2 year old grand daughter.
While out running errands today I stopped at Hobby Lobby so I could pick up some more elastic.
I had a coupon for 40% off  one regular priced item. I couldn't let it go to waste, right? So I broke down and bought a new sewing pattern. This is what I got. But oh my goodness, I obviously haven't bought any patterns for quite sometime because I about choked when I saw how expensive they are anymore!
$11.95 for a pattern for a 2 year old, and an easy sew one at that. All I can say is wow.
I've been haunting Pinterest for blogs with free patterns and have had quite a bit of good luck there, but I was still hankering for a commercial pattern so I could be sure I was getting a fairly accurate sizing.
Even after my discount I still paid $7.19 (plus tax). BUT, I did get patterns for a dress, a top, shorts and pants so all in all I guess the pricing wasn't all that bad, especially after the discount. And it does include sizes 1/2 to size 4.
The tissue paper the patterns are on nowadays are recycled paper and it sure is flimsy.
So here is what I decided to do.
I'm tracing all of the pattern pieces onto heavier paper. That way I can trace the size I need now (which is a size 2 for the top and dress and size 3 for pants and shorts). Then as Miss P grows, I can trace them again in the bigger sizes and I haven't cut up my original pattern pieces!

So, this pattern should last for quite awhile and believe me, I will really get my money out of it. Sure, it takes extra time to do this, but it will really save me money and time in the long run.

The paper I'm using is actually from a roll of exam table paper that I had. It's just thin enough to see the pattern piece through it but sturdy enough that I should be able to cut from it more than once.

I cut all the pattern pieces apart and took just the ones I want to use first to trace. I taped the pattern piece to my card table then I taped the exam table paper on top of that. By taping them down they didn't slide around on me as I was tracing.

I used a fine point marker to trace just the size I need for now, which in this case was the size 3 for the shorts.

Now the fun part will begin when I get to cut out the fabric and sew!

Now here is the other great part of my day.
I decided to make a pit stop at our local Goodwill to see what might jump out at me and say BUY ME!
I really lucked out!
I got all of this fabric for the grand amount of.............
Can you believe it? I sure couldn't. Now granted I might not use the second one from the right, don't know yet, still thinking on that one. BUT all the rest of it is looking more and more like becoming some cute clothing for Miss P. There was a total of 8 1/4 yards which comes out to just under 29 cents a yard, woohoo!
Here is a close up of the sage green and sage green stripe material. There is 1 1/2 yards of the solid and 2 yards of the stripe. I'm thinking the solid for some shorts and the stripe for a top with material left over. They both feel like a polyester/cotton blend.

The navy blue with white dot material is 4 yards and feels like a seer sucker type of material to me. Maybe a dress?

The flowery one on the right is a black background with multi colored flowers and is more of a knit type of material. There is 1 3/4 yards of that. Might be kinda dark for a 2 year old, but maybe if I did one of those cute dresses I've been seeing on Pinterest where you use a tank top shortened up and add layers of ruffles to the bottom to make a top or a dress it would be ok. Then it wouldn't be the prime material.
There is 3 yards of the second one from the right. Not overly fond of it. Maybe it will grow on me and I will think of something to make out of it, but don't really think I like it for Miss P.
So, there are all my goodies on my jaunt out today.


  1. What a cute pattern!!! That is an incredible deal you got on fabric!!!! I love thrift stores, especially the Goodwill!!! Enjoy sewing!!!!! I miss not having little girls to sew for!!! ;)

    Have a blessed day,

  2. I use interfacing to trace patterns. It works really well.

    1. I never thought to use interfacing, great idea! I will have to try that when I run out of the exam paper. Thanks!
