
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cats, Snow, and Good Neighbors

The other day we got some really heavy wet snow. I have a hard time shoveling anymore and my hubby had just got home the night before from being in the hospital for 5 days. He had to have emergency small bowel surgery and an appendectomy. So he sure wasn't in any shape to be shoveling.
But....we have the best neighbors ever! I was only able to get a picture of one of them but here is a HUGE shout out to our neighbors that live on each side of us. Here's to Bill G. who always comes along and shovels our walk, and to Ernie F. who snow blows whenever we get more than a bit of snow.

Here's Ernie being the good guy that he is and snow blowing our driveway.
Just sorry I didn't get Bill's picture too. He is usually out and about really early and was all done before I got a chance to take his picture.
Many of us in the neighborhood are retired, and we all try to help each other out when we can.
We try to keep these guys and their families supplied with deer meat and catfish as out way of saying thanks for all their help. Guess we are all bartering in our own way hey?

Here's Baby (on the left) and Rocky (on the right) doing what they do best whenever we get a good snow. It's pretty unusual to see the two of them sleeping this close to each other and I just couldn't resist the picture. They were both passed out pretty good on the love seat because neither one of them even cracked open an eye when the flash went off.

That's my post for this weekend. More to come later in the week.

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