
Thursday, October 14, 2010

WIP Wednesday Day Late

Wow, this week sure got away from me. So, I am a day late posting my Wednesday WIP. 
This is recycle week around here and I don't know about where you are, but during recycle week the garbage guys pick up other junk that you can't normally put in with your regular garbage. Once a month we get to put our other "junk" out on the curb with the regular garbage and the recycle stuff.
So, all week long, we have been working on scooping out the garage. Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of time in on much crafty stuff :( but the garage sure is looking better.It's not DONE, but it sure is a lot cleaner and much better organized. I REALLY wanted to get the garage straightened out before ......"shhh.snow" (yes, I said it) sets in, cause it's a whole lot easier to haul stuff out to the curb if you don't have to wade through the white stuff to get it out there. Since we can only do this once a month, by the time the next junk day rolls around, it will be the end of November, around Thanksgiving time, and you can just bet if I waited til then we would have snow up the wazoo and it would be a LOT of fun to do then. So that has been my week pretty much in a nutshell.
BUT, now that the garage is as done as it's going to get for now, I dug out a UFO and am working on it.
A LONG time ago, I started a quilt with the intention of making it for our queen sized bed. Well, we all know how good intentions go sometimes.
Here's how far I got on it:
 Right now it measures about 40" x 60". I'm going to add another row to the top of it and that will make it about 45" x 60". 
When I get that done, I am going to make a quilted throw to have on the love seat to use to cover up with on those cool night that are coming.

 Here is a closer look at the material in the squares.
I have a whole bunch of the flowery paisley type of material that is on the bottom right of each square, so I am going to use that material to make the backing.

I have a whole bunch of the squares all ready made up, just need to be put together. So.....I have another project in mind for those :)

We have a pair of these really nice wooden rocking chairs. I got them as a retirement gift from my fellow employees and my boss when I quit working five years ago. 
(If you look close, can you see Rocky taking a nap underneath the back of the rocker?) He HAS to be in the middle of anything I am doing.
Until now, one of these beauties has been in my bedroom, and the other one was in storage because I just didn't have room for it anywhere in the house.
Well, I have room now because I got rid of the old ugly beaten up couch. These babies are going in the living room so they can actually be USED! ('Bout time).
The extra squares that I have left over from the not ever finished quilt are going to be made into seat cushions and backs for the rocking chairs! So the covers on the rocking chairs and the lap quilt on the love seat will match.

Update on Peyton's rocking chair:
The first coat of stain is on, ready to be sanded so I can get the second coat on. Really got to get cracking on it, her birthday is the 27th, so time is slipping away on me! Too many projects, too little time. Like I've said, I will probably be putting the finishing touches on the rocking chair in the wee hours of the morning the day before the birthday party. I WILL have it done!


  1. What beautiful rocking chairs! I want a porch for rocking chairs, but don't see it ever happening around here. Once can only hope, right?

    Beautiful quilt, and I think chair pads to match would be gorgeous.

  2. Yes, I would love a porch for my chairs too! But alas, like you, can only hope.

  3. the quilt is beautiful....I have material waiting for me to's calling my name, but I am finishing up a rug plus got a couple of orders for things to make too.
