
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WIP Wednesday-The Book Is DONE!

I have the book done!!! Wooohooo!! Well, all but one page, lol. The page with the picture of the finished rocking chair, because the CHAIR isn't done yet.
So, this will be a long post with lots of graphics due to scanning all of the pages and taking pictures of the cover that I made for the three ring binder.

My indoor pictures just aren't turning out as clear as I'd like so bear with me please, but at least you get the general idea. 
I'm really happy with the sage green flowery fabric with the sage green braid added to it.
I ended up sewing my seams a tad too much, so......I had to hand sew the outer seams for the cover to the binder. THAT was quite the fun time, but it all worked out and looks really nice.   I didn't have any more of this fabric and REALLY wanted to use it, so I made do.

I made a couple of little changes on the first page. There was some advertising down by the bottom of the heart that I wanted to cover up, so I found some felt hearts on clearance at Hobby Lobby and some heart confetti, so that worked out nice to finish up this page.

I'm not re-posting the pages I already showed on my previous post, so the rest of this is all of the remaining pages, except the one of the finished chair. That will come later when the chair is done.

All the rest of these are pretty self explanatory so here goes with all of the pictures. I scanned them all and some of them turned out a bit dark because of the "dodads" added to some of the pages. Since there were so many of them, I didn't fix up the pics, here they are in all their original glory, lol.
 This is Peyton's daddy. Isn't he a cutie? He still has the big dimples and the loooong eyelashes.
 I was four months pregnant with Frank in this picture, thought it would be cool for Peyton to see.
 This is Peyton's Aunt Mindy and her daddy when they were younger.
This is when Dan and I got married and it shows Peyton's dad and all of her aunts and uncle on her dad's side.

 Peyton's parents when they were dating.
 One of her parents engagement pics.
 A couple of their wedding pics. I really like the upper left one. It's not posed and seems more "real" to me.
 All about little Miss Peyton's birth.

 Family tree on her Dad's side.
 Young pics of her dad.
 More pics of her dad.
 More current pics of dad.
 Early pictures of Aunt Mindy.
More pics of Aunt Mindy.

 Earlier pictures of me.
 Newer pictures of me.
My parents, 1 year before my dad passed away.

Earlier pictures of my brother.
 Newer pics of my brother.
Pictures of my mom, Peyton's great grandmother.

Pictures of my dad, Peyton's great grandfather.
 My dad's dad, Peyton's great great grandfather.
 My dad's mom, Peyton's great great grandmother.

So there you go, 35 pages later, the history book about Peyton's rocking chair is done.
I could have put so much more in it. It was almost hard to pare it down. And considering I have never done any scrap booking before, I'm very contented with the end results.
Now I have to get cracking on staining the chair, only 3 weeks til her birthday!

Let's go see what the other ladies are doing this week. Just click on the logo below.


  1. You did a wonderful job with the scrapbook, Susie. Thanks for taking us along for the ride, and hooking up with WIP Wednesday!

  2. What a beautiful treasure and keepsake. You did a wonderful job. :)

  3. What an awesome keepsake!! Great work!

    Nice to meet your through MA's WIP!
