
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WIP Wednesday-Rocking Chair History Book

Still fighting bronchitis but determined to get some work done on the rocking chair history book before Peyton's birthday gets here!
Since I've never really done any "scrap booking" before, I decided to do some surfing on the web for ideas and some other scrapbook paper I could print for free.I wanted some more variety than what I had and money IS an issue right now. So, free is VERY good, lol.
One place that I got a LOT of really nice scrapbook papers and ideas is called Scrapbook
Their link is: Scrapbook Scrapbook
I also went looking for tutorials on how to cover a three ring binder. Found a few good ones so that is the option I am going to go with to put the pages in. I attempted to cover foam board with some really heavy pretty fabric, but it gave me all kinds of fits and I gave up on that idea pretty quick. Plus figuring out how to get grommets in the cover and back so I could use rings to put it all together just had me very frustrated.
  After digging through the craft room I found this three ring binder. I went through some of my fabric stash and decided I'm going to use this pretty sage green flowery print to make the cover, then use fabric glue to add the darker sage green braid for trim along the top and bottom of the cover.
I wanted to make the cover kind of old fashioned since this is a "history" and I think this fabric and trim will work just fine.
Sorry if some of the pics aren't as clear as they should be, or if the color is a bit "off". It was the operator, not the camera.
 Should have taken the pictures when it was sunny out, not at night. I'll get the hang of it one of these days :)

This is the first page that's going to be in the book. Isn't it cute? I found it at the Canon Creative Park website. Their link is: Canon Creative Park Scrap booking 
I printed the teddy bear paper out then ran it back through the printer to add the writing. I added pretty white loopy braid around the heart. Tacky Glue works great for adding braid and laces I found out.

This will be page two. It's kind of hard to tell, but the paper is different sizes of pink dots. I had some cute daisy trim with pink centers so I used that to make a frame around the writing.

Here is page three. It tells about me and the 58 year old rocking chair. The paper is a lighter yellow basket weave. The lace trim on the top is left over from a gift card hat box I made for my daughter's wedding reception 5 years ago. Then I used some teardrop shaped pearls to fancy up the lace some more. Those were recycled from an old wedding dress that I had used the satin on for something else. 

Here's a close up of the trim. Hopefully you can see it better. 

I have some of the other pages printed out but don't have them "fancied up" yet so this is all I have ready to show you for now.

Many more pages to go, hope I can get it all done in time. You watch, with my luck I'll be burning the midnight oil the night before the birthday party to finish it!
Out of necessity I have been digging through my stash in the craft room to create this book. It has actually been a lot of fun to do that! I keep finding more ideas I want to use and finding trims that make me says "oh, I used that to make this" and "gosh I bought that to make such and such". 
It's been fun to be involved in the WIP Wednesday group. Makes me concentrate more on some of my projects, that's for sure. You should go check out what the other ladies are doing. Just click on the picture below.



  1. This is great, Susie! I can see how much work and love is going into this project. It will be treasured, I'm sure.

    Thanks for jumping on the WIP train!

  2. Beautiful book, and what a treasure to have... :)
