
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

WIP Wednesday-More Of The Rocking Chair History Book

As many of you know, I'm refinishing my childhood rocking chair for my granddaughter who has her first birthday on October 27th.
For those of you that haven't previously seen them, these are the first three pages of the book that I posted last week.  I scanned all of the pages I have done, so if there are some weird shadows it's from my scanner.

 This is the rocking chair before I started to strip it down. The next page will be a picture of the chair after it's all done, which it isn't yet, so that will come  later.

The rest of the pictures are pretty self explanatory so I'll just post them so you can see them.

I have more pages done but don't have them scanned yet to add to my blog. I'll try to get them scanned and posted soon, otherwise, that will be my update again next week.
I'm still fighting with bronchitis, the antibiotics weren't doing much for me so the Dr. put me on some steroids on Monday and I have to go back to see her on Friday so she can see how I'm doing. The steroids are starting to kick in after 2 days so I AM starting to feel better. Still coughing my head off and still kinda "snottified" and congested, but not as bad as I was. Going into my third week of this, getting old :) Can't go see my granddaughter while I have this, don't want her to get it, so that is irritating me more than anything I think.
In the meantime, I'll keep on working on her book and the chair as I feel like it.
I've never done any scrap booking before so I've been learning as I go, but it's been a lot of fun.
That's my WIP this week, what are you working on?
Click the link below and you can see what some of the other ladies in our WIP Wednesdays are doing.


  1. I think that this is such a beautiful thing you are doing. You have inspired me to start a history book for my little boy and new little one to come. Both my partner and I lost our Dads in the last two years, so I think something like this with a bit of their history will make a treasure for years to come. Well done. Can't wait to see more. Lots of love Clare x

  2. Clare,
    Thank you for all your nice comments! It makes me so glad to hear I have inspired you. Peyton is way to young to appreciate this now, but when she is older it should mean a lot to her I hope. I'm the genealogist in our family so it was sort of a given that I would do something like this :) My dad has been gone 29 years and my mom for 17. Lost my only sibling (brother)just a tad over 2 years ago so that leaves just me and now that I have a granddaughter it just seemed the natural thing to do. It's such fun to go through all the photos and pick out just the right ones. Then figuring out the pages. It's been such an enjoyable project. Even though we are on a fixed income and money is tight the expense hasn't been bad. I haunted the bargain bin at local craft stores for paper. Got the ivory (yellow) and peach pages for 10 cents a sheet at JoAnn's. Haunted the web for lots of other awesome pages too. Lots out there on the web for FREE! Plus digging through my "stash" for trims and dodads to embellish has been fun too.It's been one of my favorite projects I've ever worked on. I've put lots of hours in this book, but it's been such a labor of love that I would totally do it again.

  3. What a beautiful gift Peyton is going to receive. And such a treasure to hang onto. :) You are doing a wonderful job with it. :)

  4. What a treasure you are creating. This is something that will be cherised forever. And thanks for sharing with us. Looking forward to more. Certainly hope you are feeling better.
