
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Depression and Anxiety 3-16-13

The first day of meds wasn't too bad. I didn't know what to expect for side effects, which was the part scaring me the most.
I am experiencing dizziness off and on, but I had that with the Paxil. It doesn't seem as bad with the Effexor.
I also have had some shakiness but it just seems to come and go.
I've been lucky in not really getting any nausea, but am taking the advice people have given me to make sure to eat something when I take the med.
I can say that I don't feel so much like I'm in a fog with the Effexor. I seem better able to concentrate and feel more alert. I do seem to have more energy when I am awake, but still find myself wanting to take naps. Hopefully that will pass as more of the drug builds up in my system.
We are going to my stepson's and his lady's home tomorrow to enjoy corned beef and cabbage with them and I'm actually looking forward to it. Haven't really been out of the house for over a month. I always enjoy going to their home and feel very comfortable there so it should be a good "first excursion" for me on the  new medication.
I am finding my appetite seems to be returning. Seems like all I want to do is graze :) But that's ok because I need to put some weight back on.
Will stop for tonight but wanted to check in with you all to let you know how things are going 

1 comment:

  1. I have had anxiety and depression most of my adult life. been on every kind of med it seems. currently on prozac, kind of starting over with the basic meds. good luck to you. it's not a fun game.
