
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Depression And Anxiety 3-14-13

Well, today wasn’t too bad of a day. I actually had some energy to get some things done around the house. Believe me, that’s a biggie!

I did the dishes, got them put away, went out and brought the garbage tote in and went out to get the mail from our mailbox at the curb. Made the bed. Got some more crocheting done.

To many of you, this may not sound like much, but for me it’s a lot. Most days I just don’t have the energy or motivation to do much of anything. I sleep way too much. The internet and tv are my things that help me get through the day many days. Leaving the house to do anything is very hard, even going out to the mailbox.

I got some information today from a lady who is using the same medication I am going to start on Friday night, Effexor. She has been on it for over 10 years and said it’s been a real help for her. Just hearing that has helped take away some of my apprehension about taking it. I think ANY new depression med would give me some anxiety, simply because I don’t know how my body will respond to it.

I know I will probably have some of the crappy side effects I first had from Paxil, the nausea, dizziness and shakiness, but I know that’s to be expected. I’m just hoping that since I have already been on one med that caused that the side effects won’t be as bad, at least that’s what I am hoping.

I will keep this post short and sweet. Just wanted to get some thoughts down.

Until tomorrow.


  1. I take Effexor and the one thing you have to be sure to do with it is to take it with food. This is the only medication that has made me ill taking it without food. Good news, it's the best antidepressant I've ever taken and I've tried many, many ones. I hope you have good luck with it too. I rarely cry now and little things used to set me off. Good luck and keep on fighting.

    1. Sharon,
      Thank you so much for your feedback on Effexor. This is my first night taking it, so we shall see. I take it at night, when do you take it? Just wondering. I WILL keep fighting, must get better. I have young grandkids I haven't been spending much time with because of this, and that makes me really sad because I am missing out on so much.
      Thanks again!

  2. Thank God for your post. Your description of "Most days I just don’t have the energy or motivation to do much of anything. I sleep way too much. The internet and tv are my things that help me get through the day many days. Leaving the house to do anything is very hard, even going out to the mailbox." is how I spend every day. Thank you for being brave enough to talk about it on your website.

    1. Thank YOU for posting your comment. It's true that it was hard to get the courage to talk about all of this. It has helped to reach out and talk about it. Just knowing that I've touched even one other person helps too. It's a long scary journey that most people don't understand what you are going through. DON'T GIVE UP! If you haven't gone the medication route, I strongly advise you talk to your Dr. I've been fortunate enough to find a Dr. who is very compassionate and understanding, and she doesn't make me feel like I'm crazy :) Keep trying, and thank you for reading my story.
