
Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Morning Ramblings and Mother’s Day

Well, it’s a dreary cloudy day here this morning. Looks like we are going to get some rain, maybe a thunderstorm. That’s ok though, we need the rain. Windy too.

How was your Mother’s Day?

Mine was pretty nice. My daughter and son in law invited us over for a cookout. It was a beautiful sunny day with the temps in the high 70’s so we couldn’t have asked for better weather.


I got this nice bird feeder from my daughter and son in law. I really like that it has a hopper that slides up and down to hopefully fling the squirrels off. We have more than our share of them. I enjoy the squirrels too, but they can go eat their own food that gets put out for them :)






After we left my daughter’s home, we went to my son and daughter in laws house.

I got this pretty pot of impatiens from my grand daughter Peyton. She’s 18 months now and had to carry them out to give them to grandma.




When I got home, I put them in this cute little tricycle plant holder that my step daughter gave me a few years ago for Mother’s day. Just seemed like the perfect spot for them.



Got phone calls from my stepson and stepdaughter so I heard from or saw all four kids. That was pretty nice.


A couple of years ago I got two pretty lilac bushes from my son and daughter for Mother’s day. Last year I only had one bloom on them. This year I have a whopping three blooms :) It’s only the second year for them, so I can’t complain. They are just starting to open up nicely. With the cloudy day today it was hard to get a good picture of the real color of them. They are actually a deeper purple on the inside fringed with a lighter purple on each blossom.




While I had the camera out, I thought I’d wander around to the back yard and see how some of the other plants were doing. The grape vines are starting to leaf out.





Looks like the strawberries are starting to blossom too. This is the third season for our strawberry bed and it looks like we might have a good crop this year.





And of course Baby had to poke her nose in the window to look out to see what Mom was doing outside :)



Hope you all had a nice Mother’s day and got to enjoy some time with your family. I know I had a nice  day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susie,

    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I think I fixed it...we'll see in a minute when I push send! It looks like you had a nice Mother's Day. I've found that different bird seeds attract different birds. I have several feeders in the backyard. IT's amazing..when you put peanuts out, the blue jays just somehow know it and come flying in for them. And you are quite the crocheter. Lucky grandchildren!

    Cindy Bee
