
Monday, March 28, 2011

Family Wedding And Pics Of Peyton

Toast My daughter in law’s sister Erin renewed her vows with her husband Mitch on Saturday. They got married last June in a civil ceremony, kinda quick, he’s in the Army and they couldn’t live together on the base without them being married.

So, on Saturday they returned home from Fort Riley so they could renew their vows and have a nice reception. Lots of people came.


Peyton full length

Little Miss Peyton, my grand daughter, was the flower girl. How cute is that??








Here she is with her daddy and the ringer bearer.

The little stinker is on the go ALL…THE….TIME!!

She never slowed down once all night. She just walked all over and ran most of us adults ragged, lol. Gosh, to just have a tenth of her energy :)




Eating cake

Of course, Grandpa had to feed her some wedding cake! She has a hollow leg.







Peyton and Dan

Then she had fun with Grandpa throwing her up and down and catching her.







This is towards the end of the night when she was finally getting pretty tired and kind of grumpy. She still wasn’t done walking around though and was a bit unhappy with Grandma holding her.

All in all, a very nice time.

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