
Monday, January 31, 2011

More Snow ARGH!

See that spot in the middle where it says QC? That's where I am. I snagged this graphic from one of our local news stations (and might I say one of the best meteorologist teams ever). They are usually right on the money. They are saying this will be a storm of "historic amounts".
We are used to snow here in Eastern Iowa, lots of it, but not usually the motherlode all at one time.
Guess I shouldn't gripe cause I heard close to 30 states are going to get hit with this storm in one way or another, be it snow, sleet, ice or rain. But gosh, I'm OVER winter already, how 'bout you?

1 comment:

  1. Mostly rain here which will turn to ice tonight and tomorrow. YUCK. I'd rather have the snow!!
