
Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas and Other Stuff

I'm finally getting around to posting about Christmas.
We did our side of the family on the day after at my son and daughter in law's home.
Everyone brought a dish of food and we all chowed down.
Momma Nichole holding Peyton while she opens one of her Christmas presents. "See momma, I know how to open them!" She is 14 months old now and had a good time pulling the paper off of all of them.
Grandma made me a hat and scarf.
Grandma made me a Christmas teddy bear too!
I made hats and scarfs for everyone in the family this year. This is my son Frank (Peyton's daddy), and my step son Shannon. Frank is a Minnesota Vikings fan, thus the purple and gold :) Frank is the youngest of our kids and Shannon is the oldest. Somehow or other I didn't get pics of the women in their hats and scarfs. And the grandsons never sat still long enough to get pics of them.
Everyone just hanging out. Daughter Mindy, niece Becky, grandson Landon with his back to the camera, and my nephew in law DeShawn.
This is my son in law Jarrod. He is a HUGE Ohio State fan so of course I had to make his hat and scarf scarlet, gray and white.
Remember my rocking chair I refinished for Peyton? Well, here she is, sitting pretty in it.
She was overdue for a nap by now so hard to get her to smile for me.
Ok Grandma, enough with the pictures. I REALLY want a nap!

Now that the holidays are over, I can get back to crocheting for the babies. I have a lemon drop colored sweater in the works. Plus a friend of ours is expecting in June so I'm working on a blanket for her.
I will try harder to post more often this year, promise!


  1. Looks like a great Christmas! Family should appreciate the time and love that go into handmade gifts! Precious granddaughter!

  2. Yes, I agree with Charlotte, good to see everyone reaping the benefits of your creativity. Looks like just a lovely time together.
