
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WIP Wednesday-Brites Babyghan and GW Score

 Here is my progress on my "Brites" babyghan. I looked back and saw I had 4 colors done this time last week, so I've gotten to where I have just about doubled my work since then.
Just starting on my eighth color. I don't seem to crochet all that fast I guess but I keep plodding along.
I think I have hit the bottom of my brights color selection so after this orange stripe is done I'm going to having to go back and reuse all my colors again.

 Now on to some other fun stuff. Yesterday I needed to go to the grocery store but decided I'd pitstop at our local Goodwill first and see if anything there would scream out to me "buy me! buy me!".
Look what screamed at me!

The first picture is what I bought. I got a whole box of ALL......THIS.......YARN.....for the grand sum of $3.38! WooooHooo!
The rest of the pictures are just closeups of what was in there so you can see what all there is.
I ALMOST didn't stop at GW, sure glad now that I did. But I won't do it again on a Tuesday.
I didn't realize it, but our local GW has 25 cent day on Tuesdays. This week, anything that had a blue tag was 25 cents.
I should have realized when it took me 2 trips around the parking lot to get a parking space that something was up.
I'm telling you, it was wall to wall people in there. I've never seen so many people in there at one time. They had all their checkout lanes open but every one had at least 10 people in line. Except one lane, where one lady had her cart so full of clothes that it looked like a miniature mountain, seriously. Obviously, no one got in line behind her!
I don't know how they do it at other Goodwills, but at ours the people stocking shelves have a two shelf cart with totes on them that they bring the stuff out from the back on to put on the shelfs. The golden rule is that you can't take anything off of that cart, you have to wait til they put the items out or they can hand you something off of the cart.
I saw this box of yarn waiting to be put out on the cart. Well, I patiently waited right by that box of yarn until the gentlman stocking came back and asked him if I could please have the box of yarn on the cart. No way was I going to let someone else get it! So I thanked him profusely and almost skipped up to the checkout counters.
I'm happy I got this great buy, but at the same time, it's kind of sad to think someone actually gave yarn away! Do people REALLY part with their yarn???
I'm guessing someone passed away and the family just didn't have any use for the yarn so they donated it to Goodwill. Sad. Much of it is fairly old, but yarn doesn't get old, right? Most of the baby Jamie yarn has tags on them that say Michaels 1996. It all smells good, so it was probably part of someone's stash.
Lucky for me, my hubby is good about not griping when I come hauling more yarn home, especially when I get such a good bargain as this!
He knows I'm a yaranaholic and he's totally supportive of my crocheting for needy babies.
Well, that's my week, how has yours been?
Click the logo below to see what everyone else has been up to.


  1. As I was reading the first half I kept thinking "people get rid of their yarn?!?!?!" I see I wasn't the only one thinking this way....good buy indeed!

  2. Wow, what a great find at your GW! My local GW is really small and rarely has anything so I don't stop in often. I have much better luck at the Salvation Army, but they usually have the yarn way overpriced. I only buy it if it has the color tag for the half off day.

    Thanks for hopping on the WIP train!

  3. The blanket looks great and you truly found a good haul of yarn this time!

  4. Wow!! I never find anything that good at goodwill etc. As if I need any more yarn.

  5. what an awesome find. My GW never has yarn!!
