
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WIP Wednesday-Chair DONE and Birthday Is Today

HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY to my grand daughter Peyton today!
The rocking chair got done with time to spare for her birthday party on Sunday.
The first picture is taken inside after everyone was gone and the party was over. She had lost her hair bows and shoes by then, lol. 

Some of the pics are a bit blurry and the color is a bit wonky, but you can see how it went. She LOVES her rocking chair!
She's rocking away here.

Having a good time kicking and rocking.
And of course there's the traditional first birthday cake and having a good time getting all messy.
Daddy's holding her while she tells all of us "all gone!"
Happy baby clapping and having a good time, wearing her birthday tutu.
I'm on the run!
I don't think that child slowed down or stopped for a minute the whole time Sunday. It was hard to get good pictures because just about the time you thought you could snap her picture, off she went and you ended up snapping a pink blur.She most definitely is enjoying being able to walk and run. I know she wears her momma out by the end of the day! 

I know this is supposed to be a WIP Wednesday project, but this was a looooooong WIP and I just wanted to show the end results. Everyone thought the history book of the rocking chair was pretty cool, and I wrapped the chair with the purple crocheted bunny sitting in it.
All in all, the projects were a lot of fun and I would do it all again.

Let's go see what everyone else is working on this week! Click the link below to see.


  1. Dad and baby look so great together. What wonderful photos.

  2. how cute...thanks so much for sharing with us

  3. What a wonderful ending to the story! I enjoyed going along for the ride. Thanks for hooking up with WIP Wednesday - Happy Birthday, Peyton!
