
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WIP Wednesday - Crocheted Bunny

I mentioned in a previous post that I wanted to make a crocheted bunny for my granddaughter Peyton to have to sit in the rocking chair I am refinishing for her first birthday. Well, he is ALMOST done! The only thing I have left to do is make a big old bow and tie it on. I think he turned out pretty cute.
I used a pattern from a Leisure Arts booklet called Toys For Tykes. It was published in 1994 so I'm pretty sure it is no longer in publication. But I watched Ebay for a long long time and finally won an auction for it a few years ago. Paid way more for it than I should have, but the critters in it are so cute! And they are way easy to make. Lots of parts and sewing together but well worth all the effort. I've made all of the animals in the book, and each one turned out just awesome.
Here's a picture of the booklet in case you want to haunt Ebay like I did and try to find one for yourself.



  1. He's adorable! I wish I could do ami and critters and such. I envy you. I do enjoy seeing what others can do, though, and live vicariously through them.

    Thanks for jumping on the WIP Wednesday train!

  2. Hi Marie Anne,
    Hey, you could make these, they are not ami, they are all sc and the pieces get sewn together. VERY simple. Thanks for letting me be on the WIP train!

  3. Awwww! The bunny is so cute. :) I have that pattern somewhere. LOL! Some really cute toys in it.

  4. It's so cute. I should make stuffed animals more for the grandkids. I think the hand made ones mean so much more than a store bought one.

  5. So cute and Peyton will be pleased as punch.
