
Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday With The Family

Sunday was my son in law Gary's 50th birthday. Much of our family and many friends went to hang out with him and his wife Shawn to celebrate. They went camping at one of our local lakes and we all congregated there.
The hubby and I spent much of the past few days cooking because it was a potluck of sorts and we wanted to make sure there was plenty of food.
We raided our usually well stocked freezer and cupboards and ended up making baked chicken legs, baked a turkey and hubby boned it out. I made a big crock pot of chili and another crock pot full of green bean casserole (Susie Slop as my kids call it).
A bunch of us in the family are on restricted diets and/or trying to eat healthier, so I made some chocolate sugar free pudding, and sugar free jello with bananas.
Gary's daughter made the cake and Shawn bought sugar free ice cream so us diabetics could join in the sweet part of the celebration.
There was plenty of other food too so if anyone went home hungry it was their own fault.
Even though it turned out to be a pretty warm day (low 90's) with lots of sun (and no rain, yay) we had a decent breeze most of the day, so it wasn't too bad.
It was so nice to get out of the city and lap up the beautiful weather with so many friends and family.
I took my camera but kept forgetting to take pictures, duh!
I must confess I DID take more than a few pictures of my sweet little granddaughter Peyton. She's 10 months old now and growing like a weed.
So the only picture you get today are of Peyton :)

Sitting on G'pa Dan's lap watching Uncle Gary's birthday balloons floating in the breeze.


Ok, bored with the balloons. And maybe a little sleepy after eating lunch.

After G'pa Dan let me down, I decided to crawl up in this chair all by myself. Of course, I've got Dad trained to bring me a toy to play with and hang onto it for me :)

Ooooooh, pop! Hey Dad, can you catch this?


Even with all of the birthday preparation this weekend, I did make time to do some crocheting and got another Christmas present finished up. 
This hat and scarf set is for one of the guys. I haven't decided which one is getting it yet, but at least it's done and I can add it to the Christmas gift box.

I made this out of Red Heart camouflage yarn. I knew I didn't have enough of that to use just the camouflage, so I dug through the stash and found this brown yarn called Polished mahogany. The brand is Vonnel. Have any of you heard of that brand before? I haven't. I must have gotten it in one of my "great deal" boxes of yarn from Goodwill or DAV thrift store. Don't really remember. I suspect it's a vintage yarn, but it's in really nice condition and it worked well with the Red Heart. I only had one skein of it too, probably not enough to really make anything else by itself, so this worked out good.
Here's a closeup so you can get a better idea of how it looks. The brown is actually darker than it looks in the picture and goes good with the camouflage. Someday I'll figure out how to take better indoor pictures and get the colors to show up closer to what they actually are :)

Well, that's it for now. I sure enjoyed my weekend. How was yours?

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