
Friday, August 20, 2010

Baby Scrapghan Update

Slow but sure, I am progressing on the baby scrapghan. Row two is finished and whipped stitched to row one. Still digging through the stash to come up with enough colors for the different blocks. I want to make it without duplicating any of the colors. We will see. Have to take it slow with my crocheting for awhile. My carpal tunnel has been flaring up and so has the pinched ulnar nerve in my right arm. But I am determined to not give up! Will continue updating you as it progresses!


  1. I think this looks lovely. Great colour combinations. Hope you arm eases up soon. Clare x

  2. Neat idea for using up scraps. Why don't you pop on over to my crochet blog and join me for WIP Wednesdays?
